We’re running across the country for ALS Research.
That’s right, across the country. 3,000 miles. 5 million steps. 114 marathons. From San Francisco to New York City. All of it.
Three years ago, we watched as our Grandmother passed away from Bulbar ALS. We watched as this horrific disease attempted to strip our Grandmother of her humanity. We wanted to do something about it.
In partnership with Project ALS, we are launching a self-funded expedition to run across the country in the hopes of raising money and awareness for ALS Research.
This is completely self-funded. We aren’t going to be taking a dime. Nada. Zip.
We are committed to making sure every dollar raised is used directly for funding ALS research and finding a cure. Every. Single. Dollar.
We are heading out on this 3,000 mile journey across the country in honor of our Grandmother, Edna Devlin.
Grandma Devlin was an absolutely, incredible human being. Mother of five children and Grandmother to many more, she was the first person to let you know how amazing, beautiful, or wonderful you were! She lit up every room she entered with her smile and her voice, especially her voice. Grandma Devlin loved to talk. A quick conversation could quickly turn into an hour. HOWEVER, she wasn’t talking about the weather or the news or anything like that… all she ever wanted to talk about was YOU. It didn’t matter if you were her own child or someone she just met, she wanted to talk about you. After each conversation with her, you walked away smiling from ear to ear, thinking you were the most special snowflake, the most special human being who ever lived, that you could conquer the world! It was kind of mind blowing. But, that’s what she did. That was her super power. She made you feel loved. In everything that she did, she made you feel completely loved.
Four years ago, Grandma Devlin got sick. She was playing bridge with her friends when she started to slur her words. They thought it might have been a stroke. But, when she went to the doctor, they couldn’t find any indications of a stroke. A month later, it was worse. Much worse. Grandma Devlin was slurring her words and having trouble speaking. Doctor after doctor tried to figure out what was wrong, but no one was sure.
Finally, in December of 2013, right before Christmas, Grandma Devlin was diagnosed with Bulbar ALS.
That Christmas was strange. We knew we didn’t have much more time with her. The disease was aggressively attacking her body, taking away her ability to speak and making it difficult for her to eat. But, when Grandma Devlin arrived, she was smiling. Most years, our family gatherings were filled with her voice. She would be bouncing from person to person talking up a storm. But, not this year. When we were all sitting together, Grandma Devlin took her white board and wrote, “God told me that I’ve done enough talking for a lifetime.” We all laughed. There she was again, making us all feel loved.
On January 26th, 2014, three weeks before her 77th birthday, Grandma Devlin passed away.
Although the disease had worked quickly, nothing could slow down her infectious spirit. Throughout those last few months, Grandma Devlin was a force of positivity. When we were struggling, she gave us strength. When we were feeling depressed, she lifted us up. Just as she had always done, Grandma Devlin focused on the people around her. She made us all feel loved.
For Grandma Devlin, we wanted to do something BIG. We thought if it was BIG, we could make a BIG difference. So, when we decided to run, we decided to run across the country!
But, the only way we are going to make a difference is with YOUR help!
All donations will go directly to research and we’ll let you know exactly where and for what. We’ll tell you how you’re helping. We’ll tell you about the research. We’ll tell you about the progress. Together, we can do something about this terrible disease. Together, we can make an impact.
ALSO, we are going to document it ALL. We will be posting, tweeting, snapchatting and Facebooking with all of YOU. The whole experience. The ups and the downs. The highs and the lows. We want to share this journey with you.
Because, the more we share, the more people will know. And the more people who know, the more we can all make a difference.
So, follow us on this journey. Join us on this cause. Together, we can make a difference.
Check out the #ProjectRun website.
The day is here! One time Empire athlete Mike Devlin has taken on a 3,000 mile run, 100-day challenge across America.
For Mike and Joey’s full schedule and to donate to #ProjectRun, follow their journey at ALSProjectRun.com, Twitter.com/TheMikeDevlin, Instagram.com/TheMikeDevlin, and Facebook.com/ProjectALS.