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What Every Triathlete Should Be Doing In November

What every triathlete should be doing in November

The days are getting shorter. The weather is getting colder.  For many triathletes, race season is over and we find ourselves struggling to find motivation and purpose for our workouts.  As a triathlete and coach for over 20 years, I’ve found that its crucial to have a 4-8 week window each year where workouts are purely fun, less structured and social.  This is our “reset button”, allowing us to start a new season fresh, motivated and excited once again.  Neglecting to prioritize this short period of downtime can lead to burnout and injury.  A few things you can do to keep a healthy mind and body during this phase of training include:

  • Mix it Up – Try taking a dance class, boxing lesson or rock climbing!  You’ll not only break a sweat, but engage other muscle groups that you don’t normally train during your in-season swim, bike, run training.
  • Make Time for Friends & Family – Triathlon Training takes up a lot of time and energy.  During tri season you may find yourself absorbed in your fitness routine and spending less time with F&F that aren’t into the same things.  Now is a perfect time to connect with friends & family since you have a less intense training regimen.  
  • Plan for Next SeasonRaces typically open for registration during the winter months.  Figure out what races you’re going to do next year and take advantage of early bird pricing and holiday specials (plus take care of the logistics like hotels or AIRBNBs while lots of options are still available!)  
  • Indulge (Within Reason)!  It’s great to indulge!  But try and avoid holiday weight gain by trying out healthy new recipes and dialing back your caloric intake slightly (especially if your training load has decreased!) Consider working with a nutritionist like Lauren Antonucci who can help fine tune your nutrition plan as it changes throughout the seasons.

Whether you have a clear vision or don’t know where to begin, contact us for a free consultation and we’ll connect you with an expert coach. 

Click here for the full newsletter 

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NYC Runs Go Nuts for Donuts 5k + Outdoor Team Brunch

We at Empire Tri Club are committed to creating fun, innovative team challenges to keep you connected, motivated all-year long.  Here are a few of the team challenges going on this fall: 

NYC Runs Go Nuts for Donut 5k + outdoor team brunch

About:  New Yorkers love to multitask, and this race hits the jackpot. Get your runner’s high and your sugar high simultaneously! Run your heart out, then re-fuel with your fill of puffy round goodies (in single serving bags for 2020). Randall’s Island is the venue for this Homer-Simpson-approved race.

Start Time:  50 person waves starting at 8am (Empire members are encouraged to sign up for the 9am time slot)
Where: Randall’s Island, NY

Sign Up / Details:

Brunch: Following the race we have reserved tables for an outdoor team brunch at The Bonnie (29-12 23rd Ave, Astoria, NY 11105).

RSVP: Club members can RSVP on GroupSpot to ensure you’re included on the reservation.

Social Media:  #GoNutsforDonuts #EmpireTri
More challenges are being created and will be announced soon!  Have an idea? Email [email protected]
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Central Park Loop Cup

We at Empire Tri Club are committed to creating fun, innovative team challenges to keep you connected, motivated all-year long.  Here are a few of the team challenges going on this fall: 

Central Park Loop Cup

What: Empire Tri Club has entered a team to compete in the inaugural Central Park Loop Cup
When: The race will be held between 5am on October 26th and 5pm on November 8th.
Details:  What’s your Central Park Loop PR? Don’t know? Don’t have one? Well, now is your chance to grab your Central Park Loop PR.  What team will take home the coveted Central Park Loop Cup and some local bragging rights? Only one way to find out…Let’s Race! 

Rules & Scoring: Old School Cross Country (XC) Scoring – Top 5 runners per team score. Your 6th and 7th runners do count as they can displace other team’s top 5 runners. Roster size is unlimited. Runners can only score for 1 team. Please don’t try and run for multiple teams. Runners need a strava account (free or premium) to get their race recorded. Runners can use a gps watch / device and sync with Strava or use the Strava app directly

Course: 1 Full Loop of Central Park which is a 6.0 mile loop.  Start and Finish is the same location which is the south crosswalk of Engineer’s Gate (90th and 5th Ave entrance).  Race will be run counterclockwise. Please stay between the curb and the bike lane for the entire loop.

Awards:  Top 3 Teams and overall individual winners will get prizes / swag from our friends at: 

Top Female / Male Open Runners – $100
Top Female / Male Masters Runners – $100
Top 3 Teams – Women / Male – Free Pair of Brooks Running Shoes (7 per team)
Winning Team – Women / Men – 1 Case of Other Half Brewery Beer (Value $150)
And more prizes to be added
Cost: FREE
Team Codes:  
  • Male: Code: jnFHp419
  • Female: Code: r6o28N5d
Social Media:  #CPLoopCup #EmpireTri
More challenges are being created and will be announced soon!  Have an idea? Email [email protected]
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Virtual Tri Across America

We at Empire Tri Club are committed to creating fun, innovative team challenges to keep you connected, motivated all-year long.  Here are a few of the team challenges going on this fall: 

Empire Tri Club has entered a team in the Power Within Virtual Tri Across America!  

What:  A team-based event that challenges athletes to undertake a triathlon across the country – 7 miles of swimming, 2,400 miles of biking and 905 miles of running

When: October 15-November 29.

Details: “Embark on a shared adventure with family, teammates, friends or strangers who will become friend as you virtually cross the United States. From Oct. 15 through Nov. 29, team up to tackle more than 3,300 miles by swimming, biking and running in the Power Within Virtual Tri Across America Presented by Toyota. Each team can create their own strategy for conquering the miles during this six-week endurance test. Let’s enjoy and celebrate the well-worn trails, favorite views and beauty all around us.”
Sign Up:  Join Empire Tri Club’s official team by clicking here to sign up!

More info:

Use GroupSpot to coordinate, motivate one another, and stay on course as we swim bike and run across America!
More challenges are being created and will be announced soon!  Have an idea? Email [email protected]
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Empire Tri Club Virtual Marathon, Half Marathon & Fun Run + Team Cheer / Aid Station 

We at Empire Tri Club are committed to creating fun, innovative team challenges to keep you connected, motivated all-year long.  Here are a few of the team challenges going on this fall: 

Empire Tri Club Virtual Marathon, Half Marathon & Fun Run + Team Cheer / Aid Station 

About: To coincide with the Virtual NYC Marathon, Empire Tri Club is hosting a virtual race on November 1st.  Runners are encouraged to complete a marathon, half marathon or fun run (any distance of your choice).

Start Time:  Empire’s Founder Alison Kreideweis will be kicking off her run at 9am from our Aid Station in Central Park (see below for location).  Join her to kick off your run or run your race virtually and start from your own location at any time you wish!
Route: Since athletes will be running all paces and distances, we will not be publishing any specific route.  However, for camaraderie and support, we recommend choosing a route that will pass by our aid station in Central Park several times for cheers and nutrition!

Aid / Cheer Station: To support our athletes, we’ll be setting up an aid station in Central Park (West Park Drive between 72nd St & the Delacorte Theater) from 9am-1pm on November 1st, to provide cheers and nutrition from UCAN, Gatorade and Clif Bar.

RSVP: Club members can RSVP on GroupSpot if you’re running or cheering so we know to look out for you!

Social Media:  #EmpireTri #EmpireTriVirtualRace #TCSNYCMarathon 
More challenges are being created and will be announced soon!  Have an idea? Email [email protected]
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November Schedule of Events

Empire Tri Club has adapted our program throughout COVID19, to offer both virtual events as well as in-person events with safety protocols in place to ensure the well-being of our athletes.  Here’s a snapshot of what’s happening this month:


Sunday, Nov 1, 9AM — Empire Tri Club Virtual Marathon, Half Marathon and Team Fun Run.  Empire Tri Club will have an aid / cheer station on the West Park Drive between the Delacourte Theater and 72nd Street Transverse with drinks & food provided by UCAN, Clif Bar and Gatorade.  Swing by for free fuel and an energy boost!  If you’re not running (or when you finish running), join us at the table to cheer, hang out and encourage runners! It’s Halloween weekend – costumes encouraged! 
Monday, Nov 2, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Tuesday, Nov 3, 6:30PM — Group Strength Training in Central Park @ Delacourte Theater with Coach Alison 
Thursday, Nov 5, 6:30PM – Coached Group Run in Central Park @ Columbus Circle
Sun, Nov 8, 9AM — Group Ride NYC to WCL including outdoor coffee + brunch at Coach Ali & Sascha’s House
Mon, Nov 9, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Tuesday, Nov 10, 6:30PM — Group Strength Training in Central Park @ Delacourte Theater with Coach Alison
Thurs, Nov 12, 6:30PM — Clutch PT Strength Session in Central Park
Sat, Nov 14, 9AMNYC RUNS, Go Nuts for Donuts 5k Team Fun Run + Brunch afterwards, Randall’s Island (Empire teammates are encouraged to sign up for the 9am wave).
Mon, Nov 16, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Tuesday, Nov 17, 6:30PM — Group Strength Training in Central Park @ Delacourte Theater with Coach Alison
Thursday, Nov 19, 6:30PM – Coached Group Run in Central Park @ Columbus Circle
Mon, Nov 23, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Tuesday, Nov 24, 6:30PM — Group Strength Training in Central Park @ Delacourte Theater with Coach Alison
Thurs, Nov 26 — Virtual Turkey Trot. Complete a 5k, 10k or any distance run of your choice (better yet, if there is an in-person, turkey Trop that you can participate in, sign up!). Looking to run for a greater cause? Sign up for the Women’s Health and Men’s Health Virtual Turkey Trot to benefit Feeding America.
Mon, Nov 30, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Workout Details are posted for club members Training Peaks and an interactive real-time calendar where you can RSVP is accessible to club members in the GroupSpot app.  Not a member? Sign up for a FREE 2-week trial!
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Fall is Here! October schedule of events

Empire Tri Club has adapted our program throughout COVID19, to offer both virtual events as well as in-person events with safety protocols in place to ensure the well-being of our athletes.  Here’s a snapshot of what’s happening this month:


Thurs, Oct 1, 6:30PM — Group Run in Central Park with Coach Ryan
Mon, Oct 5, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Mon, Oct 5, 6:30PM —  Coaches Corners to discuss marathon & half marathon prep on Zoom
Tuesday, Oct 6, 6:30PM — Group Strength Training in Central Park with Coach Alison
Wed, Oct 7, 6:30PM — Zoom Book Club Meet Up — “The Athlete Inside” By Sue Reynolds 
Thurs, Oct 8, 6:15PM — Clutch PT Strength Session in Central Park
Mon, Oct 12, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Mon, Oct 12, 6:30PM —  Coaches Corners to discuss marathon & half marathon prep on Zoom
Tuesday, Oct 13, 6:30PM — Group Strength Training in Central Park with Coach Alison
Wed, Oct 14, 6:00PM — Zoom Yoga with Hess
Thurs, Oct 15, 6:30PM — Group Run with Coach Ryan in Central Park + HAPPY HOUR
Saturday, Oct 17, 8AM — Group Ride NYC to WCL including outdoor coffee + brunch at Coach Ali & Sascha’s House
Mon, Oct 19, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Mon, Oct 19, 6:30PM —  Coaches Corners to discuss marathon & half marathon prep on Zoom
Tuesday, Oct 20, 6:30PM — Group Strength Training in Central Park with Coach Alison
Wed, Oct 21, 6:30PM — Zoom with Coach Joe Friel, founder and creator of Training Peaks, coach of many world champions and author of 17 books. 
Thurs, Oct 22, 6:30PM — Group Run in Central Park with Coach Sam Ellis
Mon, Oct 26, 5:15PM — Coached Group Bike ​Ride on Zwift
Mon, Oct 26, 6:30PM —  Coaches Corners to discuss marathon & half marathon prep on Zoom
Tuesday, Oct 27, 6:30PM — Group Strength Training in Central Park with Coach Alison
Thurs, Oct 29, 6:30PM — Group Run in Central Park with Coach Sam Ellis
Details are posted for club members in the GroupSpot app.  Not a member? Sign up for a FREE 2-week trial!
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Empire Tri Club acknowledges and supports

We want to take a moment to acknowledge that the past few weeks have been extremely difficult and eye opening for all of us. The murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor have surfaced deep-rooted systemic problems and racial tensions the country has been facing for a long time.

Empire Tri Club has always strived to be an inclusive community.  We open our doors to all athletes regardless of age, ability, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or political belief. We support our black community and stand with you in solidarity.

While all of us may not have personally experienced racial discrimination, we will listen, learn and try our best to unite us.  Empire Tri Club is committed to understanding how we can help support people of color in our city and our sport – not just now, but ongoing. In the coming weeks, we will be sparking conversations with community members, race directors, governing bodies and athletic brands to better understand the issues and the roles we play.

Please feel free to reach out if you have resources, questions or ideas to share. We encourage healthy dialogue in order to better understand and address issues.

Finally, remember to stay safe! Spread your voice through peace and take necessary precautions to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We will get through this!


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Alison Kreideweis

Empire Tri Club
Co-Founder, Head Coach
[email protected]

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Empire Tri Club’s Response to the Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the multisport community at large. Empire Tri Club is continuing to monitor the situation and keep club members informed of information as it becomes available including updates about races and safe training guidelines. While social distancing guidelines remain in effect, we will limit and monitor our in-person group workouts.  We are committed to providing our athletes with camaraderie, support and a sense of community by hosting virtual clinics, workouts and info sessions whenever possible.
Some of the things that Empire Tri Club has recently done to adapt to the situation include:
  • Launching a new team communication app – Group Spot
  • Hosting a free Group Spot app info session with the founder
  • Hosting a live tire changing clinic on Zoom
  • Hosting a weekly live strength training classes on Zoom for club members only
  • Hosting a weekly live strength training session on Instagram – open to the public
  • Offering virtual team training rides on Zwift & Rouvy 2-3x a week
  • Posting various workout challenges on Social Media
  • Hosting virtual team socials on Zoom
  • Hosting live virtual yoga classes on Zoom
  • Publishing a training plan for members to follow on Training Peaks
  • Adjusting our training plan to include only workouts that athletes are able to complete at this time due to social distancing guidelines
  • Creating our first ever Virtual 10k event
  • Rolling out a new badge system to reward members for hitting certain milestones or participating in team events
  • Hosting a Q&A session with Coaches about how to adjust your training plan with the uncertainty of our race season
  • Hosting a live injury prevention clinic with Finish Line Physical Therapy
  • Adapting our 12-week beginner tri program to be virtual until further notice
  • Hosting our NYC Tri Program that concluded with the virtual NYC Tri
  • Mailing care packages to Empire Tri Club’s healthcare workers
  • Offering assistance to club members in need who have tested positive for the Coronavirus
  • Hosting virtual team races including a team 10K and team duathlon in place of Wyckoff Triathlon
  • Hosting a weekly Coaches’s Corner live Zoom with triathlon education and Q&A with our team coaches
  • Creating a fall marathon and half marathon program including tailored Coaches Corner Zoom sessions, a new training plan and weekly tips, building towards a virtual team race in November.
  • We launched our first Empire book club
  • Re-introducing in-person strength training sessions in Central Park with Empire Tri Club Coaches
  • Hosting a series of in-person workouts/clinics with the therapists from Clutch PT
  • Special events with guests including Sue Reynolds, Joe Friel, Ironman, Dina Griffin, Lauren Antonucci and more
  • Additional clinics, info sessions, guest speakers and workouts regularly being added!
Being alone does not mean you have to feel lonely!  We are a TEAM and continue to support one another, no matter the circumstance. We continue providing guidance, motivation, and information throughout these difficult times and do whatever we can to help the multi-sport community thrive on a global scale by working with larger organizations including Ironman, USA Triathlon and Triathlete Magazine.
We will resume with outdoor in-person group training as soon as it is safe and we are permitted to do so. If you have any questions about any of the above events / apps or would like more information on how to participate please don’t hesitate to reach out!
All of the above events are FREE to Empire Tri Club members.  Not a member?  Sign up for a free 2-week trial to see what we’re all about. We are still accepting new members and welcome you to join our team! To sign up, click here.
Questions? Contact [email protected] or call Alison @ 201-218-3805. I will do my best to get back to you ASAP and appreciate your patience as we are operating with limited staff and hours.
Alison Kreideweis
Empire Tri Club
Co-Founder & Head Coach
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Empire Tri Club hosts first ever Virtual 10k!





Empire Tri Club is excited to announce our first ever virtual 10k!

Friday 4/16/20 – Sunday 4/19/20

April 18th was supposed to be our first team race of the season (ITU World Triathlon Bermuda) – and while we unfortunately can’t be in Bermuda enjoying the sun and sand together, we can still get excited about a team event and have something to look forward to.

Here are the details:

1. Make a homemade race number and finisher medal with materials you find around your home. (Family members are welcome to help with this!)

2. Pin your race number to your favorite Empire Tri Club shirt. (You may do this event in any Empire gear of your choice – tri top, long sleeve run shirt, tech t, run jacket, etc. New to the club and don’t have team gear yet? Be creative!

3. Run your 10k (the focus of this event is not speed but if you wish to “race it” you are welcome to!)

4.You’re encouraged to record your run on Strava, Training Peaks or any other workout tracking site (but it’s not required).

5. At the end of your run, put on your finishers medal and take a picture!

6. Post on Facebook and/or Instagram with hashtag #EmpireTriVirtualRace and #EmpireTri

All finishers will receive a badge of completion that you can post on your wall!  A special creativity badge will be awarded to one person who has the most creative race bib and finisher medal! Get creative! Make it festive and fun!

Your Virtual 10k can be completed anytime between Friday 4/16 and Sunday 4/19 to be eligible for a finisher badge. Be safe!! Remember to complete this run Solo and follow social distancing guidelines!

This event is free and everyone is encouraged to participate. If you wish to use this event to benefit a greater cause, feel free to make an optional donation to a charity of your choice that benefits NYC Healthcare workers.

Have fun! I look forward to seeing your pictures and posts!.

#empiretri #workoutmotivation #virtualrace #empiretrivirtualrace#covidworkout